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Tired of waiting for the next update? Want to get the latest developer version? Want to help on the program's development? You'll have to compile the program yourself.



Bullets with '*' are mandatory, other are optional. Note that the compiler used for official builds is Visual Studio 2019. You can use MinGW or a more recent version of MSVC if it works for you. However know that this is the one used to push releases and updates.

  • *Qt 5.14 or higher (MSVC 2019)
  • *Visual Studio 2019 C++ compiler
  • *CMake 2.8.12 or above
  • *NodeJS (for building images sources)
  • QScintilla2 (for syntax highlighting in JavaScript filename window)
  • Google Breakpad (to handle crash and show a nice-looking crash window and backup traces)



You can find the Qt installer here:

Just download and install.


You can use the free Visual Studio Community version to compile (note that only the compiler is required). You can find it here:

Just download and install.


You can find it here:

Just download and install.


If you don't want to use QScintilla, edit the "gui/CMakeLists.txt" file and change the line set(USE_QSCINTILLA 1) into set(USE_QSCINTILLA 0).

Else, you can find it here:

  1. Download
  2. Open the Qt command prompt (you can find it in the start menu)
  3. Add Visual Studio compiler to the path by typing "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" (with quotes, else it will give you an error message on "C:\Program") in the prompt
  4. Browse to where you extracted QScintilla using the "cd" command (for example, "cd C:\Users\Bionus\Desktop\QScintilla-gpl-2.7.2"). If it's on another hard drive, use the "cd /D" command
  5. Type "cd Qt4Qt5" (without quotes)
  6. Type "qmake" (without quotes)
  7. Type "nmake" (without quotes)
  8. Type "nmake install" (without quotes)
  9. The dlls should now have been installed and the headers added to Qt

Google Breakpad

If you don't want to use Google Breakpad, edit the "gui/CMakeLists.txt" file and change the line set(USE_BREAKPAD 1) into set(USE_BREAKPAD 0).

If you want to use it, I won't explain here how to configure it to work with Qt. Beware that it's a real pain to have it work with Qt on Windows.

  1. Open "gui/CMakeLists.txt"
  2. Edit the set(BREAKPAD "D:/bin/google-breakpad") line to match where you cloned Google Breakpad


Shortcut: just run ./ at the root of the repository, and it will build everything for you.


Bullets with '*' are mandatory, other are optional.

  • *Qt 5.14 or higher
  • *g++
  • *CMake 2.8.12 or above
  • *NodeJS (for building images sources)
  • OpenSSL (for HTTPS websites)
  • QScintilla2 (for syntax highlighting in JavaScript filename window)
  • Google Breakpad (to handle crash and show a nice-looking crash window and backup traces)



Most Linux package managers do not provide up-to-date Qt packages. As such, it is recommended to either use aqtinstall, or a third-party repository.

For example using apt and the beineri repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt-5.15.2-bionic
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install qt515base qt515multimedia qt515script qt515tools qt515translations qt515networkauth-no-lgpl
source /opt/qt515/bin/

If you know your package manager has up-to-date Qt versions, you can use it, for example using using apt:

sudo apt install -y "qtbase5-dev" "qtscript5-dev" "qtmultimedia5-dev" "qtdeclarative5-dev" "qttools5-dev" "qttools5-dev-tools"

Or if you're using Fedora:

sudo dnf install -y "qt5-qtbase" "qt5-qtbase-devel" "qt5-qtmultimedia-devel" "qt5-qtscript-devel" "qscintilla-qt5-devel" "qt5-linguist" --best


You can use the g++ compiler to compile the program. If it's not already installed, the process may vary depending on your Linux distribution. Note that you can also replace g++ with clang if you want.

You'll also need cmake for the makefile generation, and make for executing it.

You can install both using a package manager, such as apt:

sudo apt install -y "g++" "cmake" "make"

Or if you're using Fedora:

sudo dnf install -y "gcc-c++" "cmake" "make" --best


Usually found in packages managers by the name node or nodejs. You can refer to the official docs:


If you want to access HTTPS websites, you'll need the OpenSSL libraries.

They're usually found in packages managers by the name libssl-dev.


If you don't want to use QScintilla, edit the "gui/CMakeLists.txt" file and change the line set(USE_QSCINTILLA 1) into set(USE_QSCINTILLA 0).

Else, you can find it here:

  1. Download
  2. Open a terminal
  3. Browse to where you extracted QScintilla using the "cd" command (for example, "cd /home/Bionus/QScintilla-gpl-2.7.2").
  4. Type "cd Qt4Qt5" (without quotes)
  5. Type "qmake" (without quotes)
  6. Type "make" (without quotes)
  7. Type "make install" (without quotes)
  8. The shared libraries should now have been installed and the headers added to Qt

Google Breakpad

If you don't want to use Google Breakpad, edit the "gui/CMakeLists.txt" file and change the line set(USE_BREAKPAD 1) into set(USE_BREAKPAD 0).

If you want to use it, I won't explain here how to configure it to work with Qt, as it's a pretty complicated task.

  1. Open "gui/CMakeLists.txt"
  2. Edit the set(BREAKPAD "D:/bin/google-breakpad") line to match where you cloned Google Breakpad


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..

mv "build/gui/Grabber" "release/"
touch "release/settings.ini"


If you compile the program and run it as-is, it may say something like "no sources found". The program requires to have a few files located at a specific place to run. Since this location depends on your system (usually ~/.Grabber), you can also just make the program portable by putting the binary alongside the following files/folders, all found in the "release" folder :

  • sites/
  • languages/
  • words.txt (not required, used for tag autocompletion)
  • settings.ini (if it doesn't exist, create it using touch settings.ini

Another option would be to simply move the binary to the release folder after the compilation.

Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)


Make sure that you are running Raspbian Stretch or newer on a Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 3. The compilation requires a lot of memory so make sure that you stop all unnecessary processes (i. e. Apache, MySQL, php-fpm) before starting the compilation. You may need to set memory-split to 16MB in raspi-config or increase your swap partition size. You only need to do this for the compilation and can switch back to the old values.

You can choose between two different versions of Grabber. One is the release version, the other one the developer version. Simply download the one that suits your taste best.

Download files

Release version:

git clone

Developer version:

git clone --single-branch -b develop


cd imgbrd-grabber

You can now run your program from /home/pi/imgbrd-grabber/release.

If you want to use the database-support of grabber, install one or all of these packages.

sudo apt-get install libqt5sql5-mysql
sudo apt-get install libqt5sql5-odbc
sudo apt-get install libqt5sql5-psql




  1. Install Xcode (
  2. Open Terminal and run this code to install Homebrew, a package manager:

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Install QT5 with brew.

    brew install qt5
  4. Edit ~/.bash_profile and add the following line:

    export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.7.0/bin"
    This is the default path to your QT installation. Be sure to update the version number or it won't work!


You can use the g++ compiler to compile the program. If it's not already installed, you can easily do so using the Homebrew package manager.

  1. brew install gcc


If you compile the program and run it as-is, it may say something like "no sources found". The program requires to have a few files located at a specific place to run. You can make the program portable by moving the following files/folders to Each of these items can be found in the "release" folder:

  • sites/
  • languages/
  • words.txt (not required, used for tag autocompletion)
  • settings.ini (if it doesn't exist, create it using touch settings.ini

All commands

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install qt5
brew install gcc
brew install cmake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..

mv build/gui/ release/
cp -r ./release/* $appDir
touch $appDir/settings.ini

Last update: November 19, 2023